Tuesday, February 14, 2012

ucla extension, money hungry- you get what you give

Leading by example, is something that holds true today too, if you are wondering why the schools are losing funding, well the schools are trying to fill there pockets, so why will the students who have been systematically exploited by the school give back to there alma Mata?

Here is an example:

So why is it that if I need a transcript for which I am paying I get in 5 days, (every school on the planet sends a 1st copy free) but UCLA Extension does not.

If I pay more then double I get it in 5 hours. Isn’t that exploitation? Every time an instructor end s a class 30 minutes early does you refund the money?

You get what you give, if you are exploiting the students, well someone will exploit you that’s the way the world functions.

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